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  • Writer's pictureLexi Gugger

6 Marketing Strategies for Luxury Properties and Developments (2023)

Maximise your ROI, increase brand exposure, and instil trust in your buyers with my six recommended traditional and non-traditional marketing strategies for 2023.

Whether you’re looking to boost those ROI numbers for off-the-plan properties or house and land packages, you’re going to include these simple yet high-impact marketing tips in your marketing plan to ensure your property gets the attention it deserves.

1. On-site Branded Banners

Highly unrated and unvalued, this on-site banner is your opportunity to be front and centre for the duration of your build. Not only does it provide a hint of privacy and an element of mystery as to what’s behind the banner, but it also doesn’t cost you anything (other than the cost of a couple of zip ties) to put it up.

Think of your branded banner as a billboard you didn’t have to pay thousands of dollars to place. Once you have the banner, you don’t have to pay astronomical dollars for leasing space to put it.

Get fancy by including a high-quality render of the finished property to customise the banner and give potential buyers and passerbyers an idea of what they can expect the finished product to look like. This instils confidence and trust because you’re showing clients what to expect rather than leaving it up to their imagination.

Skyscraper Building Site

Your under-construction site becomes a real-time time-lapse for those living in the area or driving past the site. Seeing the render literally come to life behind it is quite impressive.

Banners can be super simple with just a logo and website address or more details, including a headline, the best contact name and number, and maybe even your company tagline or USP, a unique selling proposition (what makes your company different from your competitors).

Include a call to action or CTA, as it is known in the marketing work, to nudge clients into the right direction, which is towards you. A CTA is a statement, phrase or sentence that cues the reader into taking an action that you want, which could be to call you, book a private viewing or download a brochure.

Here’s how some of these desired actions could look like as a CTA:

- Tour a display home today. Book your private viewing here:

- Speak to Brian about your next luxury investment property

- Download the Aria brochure now

And pair your call to action with the information required to take the next step or include a custom QR code that will take your customers to your website, sales landing page or contact form. You want to make the journey for your customers as easy, simple and quick as possible. Take away any obstacle and enable them to take the next step clearly by telling them and giving them the tools, information or link to take the next step.

2. High-quality 3D Renders

No renders mean no clear idea of what people can expect. It’s as simple as that.

This is not the area to try and save dollars on. Yes, renders can take a large portion of your marketing budget but can support incredible ROI.

Renders do what you can’t. They show your potential customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, exactly what they can envision from the future property.

If your images aren’t crisp, high-quality renders, that reflects on your brand more than you might think. If you don’t spend the money on getting high-quality renders, the question arises, what else are you willing to skimp on? This can lower your customers’ innate level of trust in your brand.

Renders will form a key element of your marketing campaign. They have the power to either increase client trust, brand status and perceived value or do the exact opposite.

The renders serve as the base from which the envisioned lifestyle to be had in the client’s mind begins to form. Customers perceive value in an instant, so ensure that the value you want to perceive is communicated.

High quality property render

Struggling to know if you should invest more in renders?

When allocating marketing funds, you want to think about cost per use when it comes to renders. The more times you can use your renders, the lower the cost per use is and the potential for ROI.

You can use your renders in or on:

- On-site banner

- Online advert

- Your website

- Estate or property marketing brochure

- Across your various social media platforms

- email marketing campaigns and sequences

- Investor pack and reports

- Other marketing materials such as customised postcards, letterbox drop brochures, press releases

Your renders are not only for your client’s benefit. They are also for your contractors, partners, investors, and even your copywriter. You’re giving each stakeholder a clear idea of what to expect. This, in turn, lessens the chance for miscommunication and potential disappointment.

3. Mood Boards and Mood Trays

Brand your mood boards and mood trays to increase branding and brand positioning.

Mood trays are a chance to reinforce that your brand is centred around quality. They do this in two ways.

One, the time and effort it has taken to create these items show you are detail orientated, willing to take the time to place everything together and that you have a clear vision for the project.

Two, you get to showcase the quality samples you have selected, such as fixtures and fittings and give clients a chance to touch and feel what they can expect to find in the home.

Mood board with tiles and wood samples


This is also an excellent way to have an upsell conversation. By placing various samples of a countertop, you can allow customers to feel and see the differences between your two offers as you pitch your upsell option.

Give your agents leverage

When you give the real estate agent or buyer’s agent a mood tray, they are no longer talking to a flat image of a 3D render. Now clients can touch, feel and get a real sense for the property. They can start to piece together in their minds what the kitchen will look like, how it will feel to touch the quart countertop and begin to imagine themselves in that space as it starts to take shape in their mind.

This builds an emotional connection to the property and, in turn, builds excitement.

4. Custom Marketing Brochure

In 2023, consumers crave authenticity more than ever. So, you have to be willing to put your marketing money where your mouth is to bring your marketing and brand to the next level.

A brochure is a direct reflection of your brand. For example, if you chose newspaper thin paper stock, cheap renders, and rushed internal text, you will be seen as cheap and only good for a single read.

Coffee Table Worthy

You want your brochures to become coffee table pieces. Professionally designed, printed on thick, quality stock with clear, crisp images and renders, balanced with beautifully crafted informational copy, that’s a coffee table-worthy brochure.

The longer they stay on the coffee table, the longer they have to make an impression on your clients and anyone who comes into the space.

If your firm claims to be quality driven, create quality brochures. If you claim to be creative, be creative in your design, layout, and content structure. If your firm claims to be exclusive, print only ten copies of the brochure and post them to vetted, qualified leads.

Brochures laid out on a wooden table

Brochure Copy Pit Falls

The danger of content stuffing is real. You want the perfect balance of words, white space, and renders.

Your properties and developments are sleek, innovative, and visually appealing. This is exactly what you want the words in your custom marketing brochure to be.

Just like outsourcing your design work, partner with a property development copywriter to craft clean, clear, concise copy that will excite buyers and position your brand as an expert.

Time is money. Writing brochure copy that doesn’t bore readers, sounds ultra generic, or seems to ramble on forever takes time. Get hours back of your valuable time and let a writer worry about the words.

5. Live Project Page

This is where you can send your client, buyer’s agent, or real estate agent to for up-to-date information and project images.

Keep this page fresh with photos from on-site, updates on construction, and a listing of partners, collaborators, and contractors that are all a part of the project. This adds social proof.

Progress marketing and before and after content is trending in the marketing world. With people becoming more interested in how things are created, having a live project page not only shows people you’re active with your marketing but establishes a level of transparency that you get when you show the rough beginnings of the framework through to the glossy finished product.

Transparency is one of the top ways to increase consumer trust and convey authenticity.

Building during construction

Social Media Worthy

Taking photos and posting updates from on-site for your live project page also doubles as social media content. It is a great way to engage with your audience, keep posting regular content and remain top of mind.

6. Design Intent and Inclusions Documentation

Collaborate with your interior designer to create a co-branded design intent document that deep dives into the selected design style, the decisions behind major design choices and the overall design feel.

Add value by including a ‘design intent’ document straight from the hand of the design team. This doesn’t have to be an essay, a short one-pager with a few quotes from the designer or interior design team that focuses on communicating why the selected style was perfect for this house and the feel you aim to create with the design choices.

What better way to sell features and benefits than with a detailed inclusions document?

You can then hand a client a custom brochure and a clearly defined list of things they can expect to enjoy. It’s also a chance to name-drop the well-known, quality brands you chose to include further layering of value into the complete package.

Property plans and people making notes

The Wrap

Marketing luxury is about perceived value and status. With these six marketing tactics, you can add layers of value to your customer experience and your properties.

Integrating these simple yet high-impact strategies will ensure your marketing is bringing you valuable brand presence and rock-solid ROI.

For more marketing tips for property developers check out my recent blog post, 5 Marketing Tips for Property Developers.


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