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  • Writer's pictureLexi Gugger

5 marketing tips for property developers

Marketing your property development can be a challenging task, but it is also one of the most critical components of a successful project. In a highly competitive real estate market, it is essential to stand out from the crowd and attract potential buyers and investors.

Here are five tips to help you get started.

Man talking with his hands in a board room

Tip1: Utilise social media

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are excellent channels to reach a large and diverse audience. Harness them to share updates about your project, highlight its unique features and benefits, and engage with potential buyers and investors.

Tip 2: Offer virtual tours

With the rise of technology, virtual tours have become an increasingly popular way for people to view properties from the comfort of their own homes. Offer virtual tours of your development to reach a wider audience and save them the time and effort of physically visiting the property.

Image of a phone screen about to capture a photo

Tip 3: Leverage influencer marketing

Partner with influencers in the real estate and lifestyle industries to help spread the word about your development. Influencers have a large following and can help increase awareness of your project to a relevant audience.

Tip 4: Network with real estate agents

Real estate agents are an excellent source of referrals for new business and can help drive sales for your development. Network with agents in your area, provide them with information about your project and consider offering incentives for any sales they bring in.

the hand of two men pointing to a phone screen

Tip 5: Create compelling content

Create and distribute high-quality, informative, and engaging content about your development. This can include blog posts, infographics, videos, and more. The content should highlight the unique features and benefits of the development and educate potential buyers and investors about the surrounding area. This also goes for your property listings. No one wants dull descriptions with generic text. Check out this blog post for my top three ways to improve your property listings or better yet, read why you should stop writing your own listing copy.

The wrap

There are many ways to market your property development, and the key is to find what works best for your project. By utilising social media, offering virtual tours, leveraging influencer marketing, creating compelling content, and networking with real estate agents, you can successfully market your development and attract potential buyers and investors.


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