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Copy with
real impact

​Want to convert browsers to buyers?

​Needing powerful, punchy text that your customers will love?

Seeking copy that will deliver results and create the impact you want?

I'm the copywriter who will give you quality copy that attracts the right customer, increases sales and creates memorable brands.


Lexi Gugger Copywriter Office Space

I get you

Whether you're a small business owner, property developer, work for an agency or are a key player of a big corporate brand, your business, no matter what it is, is no joke.

You want and need compelling, clever, creative words that attract the right customer, increase sales and sets your brand ahead of the pack.

But you can’t afford to spend endless hours and money by the bucket load gambling on copy that may or may not see a return on your investment.

You want impactful copy that brings you the results you desire - whether it be customers filling their shopping carts, booking a session or consult with you or looking to you as the go-to expert in your industry.

You need an experienced, type-A copywriter and marketer who is results-driven, reliable and easy to work with.

I happen to know someone who makes the cut.

Your Sunshine Coast Copywriter, who is passionate about creating content that does what it is designed to - deliver results.

I’ve spent the last 8 years sculpting my craft, marketing and copywriting for businesses of all sizes across various industries.

From startups to property development, my words have been used across a wide range of sectors including real estate, solar and renewable energy, innovation, entrepreneurship, health and wellbeing, skincare, agriculture and many more.

I specialise in three key areas:

~ Real Estate and Property Development Writing

~ Solar and Renewable Energy Marketing

~ Copywriting

Having freelanced and worked in-house roles, I take a holistic approach to copywriting and marketing enhancing your offering and brand presence through tried and tested techniques.

Whether you need sharp new web copy, impactful monthly property listings tailor-made social media content that sells, I'd love to hear about your project.

Lexi Gugger Copywriter Portrait

Trusted by the greatest

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Don't just take it from me

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"Over the years I have had the pleasure of working with Lexi as she has crafted countless compelling pieces of copy for me. Lexi continually delivers on time to a high standard. What I love most about working with Lexi is the quality of questions she asks at the start of any engagement to ensure she truly understands my needs and the creative direction. Lexi is my go-to for all things copy!"

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